Current Conditions
Wind: From the N at 15 km/h
Humidity: 68%
Observed at: 8:00 am MST
Wind: From the N at 15 km/h
Humidity: 68%
Observed at: 8:00 am MST
Wind Chill:
Sunny. Wind up to 15 km/h. High minus 1. Wind chill minus 12 this morning and minus 3 this afternoon. UV index 1 or low.
Periods of freezing rain or rain
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
Increasing cloudiness then 60 percent chance of freezing rain late this evening and after midnight then 60 percent chance of rain showers overnight. Becoming partly cloudy before morning. Wind up to 15 km/h. Temperature rising to plus 3 by morning. Wind chill minus 12 this evening.