Current Conditions
Partly Cloudy
Wind: From the WSW at 5 km/h
Pressure: 100.0 kPa (rising)
Humidity: 94%
Visibility: 32 km
Observed at: 10:00 pm PDT
Partly Cloudy
Wind: From the WSW at 5 km/h
Pressure: 100.0 kPa (rising)
Humidity: 94%
Visibility: 32 km
Observed at: 10:00 pm PDT
Rain showers or wet flurries
Overnight low:
Rain showers or wet flurries ending this evening then partly cloudy. 60 percent chance of rain showers or wet flurries before morning. Risk of a thunderstorm early this evening. Wind southeast 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low zero except minus 3 inland.