Current Conditions
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the NW at 22 km/h
Pressure: 99.8 kPa
Humidity: 73%
Visibility: 16 km
Observed at: 3:30 am NST
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the NW at 22 km/h
Pressure: 99.8 kPa
Humidity: 73%
Visibility: 16 km
Observed at: 3:30 am NST
Chance of flurries
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
Partly cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. Wind north 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming northwest 20 gusting to 40 except gusting to 60 along parts of the coast overnight. Low minus 13. Wind chill minus 13 this evening and minus 22 overnight.
Chance of flurries
Wind Chill:
A mix of sun and cloud with 40 percent chance of flurries in the morning. Clearing in the afternoon. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 except gusting to 60 along parts of the coast in the morning and early in the afternoon. High minus 5. Wind chill minus 19 in the morning and minus 11 in the afternoon. UV index 2 or low.
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
Clear. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 15 except minus 20 in low lying areas. Wind chill minus 11 in the evening and minus 23 overnight.