Naujaat, Nunavut Weather

Current Conditions


Wind Chill:

Wind: From the NW at 10 km/h

Pressure: 99.9 kPa

Humidity: 65%

Observed at: 2:00 am EST


Partly cloudy

Overnight low:

Wind Chill:

Partly cloudy. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 30. Wind chill minus 34 this evening and minus 44 overnight. Frostbite in minutes.


A mix of sun and cloud


Wind Chill:

A mix of sun and cloud. Wind northwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. High minus 24. Wind chill minus 44 in the morning and minus 37 in the afternoon. Frostbite in minutes.

Saturday Night

Partly cloudy

Overnight low:

Wind Chill:

Partly cloudy. Wind northwest 20 km/h. Low minus 28. Wind chill near minus 41. Frostbite in minutes.