Lac Raglan, Québec Weather

Current Conditions


Wind Chill:

Wind: From the NNW at 18 km/h

Pressure: 99.9 kPa

Humidity: 59%

Observed at: 2:00 am EST


Mainly cloudy

Overnight low:

Wind Chill:

Partly cloudy. Becoming cloudy near midnight. Wind west 50 km/h gusting to 80. Low minus 19. Wind chill near minus 34. Risk of frostbite.




Wind Chill:

Cloudy. Snow and local blowing snow beginning in the morning. Wind southwest 40 km/h gusting to 60. Temperature steady near minus 18. Wind chill near minus 33. Risk of frostbite.

Saturday Night

Chance of flurries

Overnight low:

Wind Chill:

Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries early in the evening then partly cloudy. Local blowing snow in the evening. Wind southwest 40 km/h gusting to 60. Low minus 28. Wind chill minus 33 in the evening and minus 42 overnight. Frostbite in minutes.