Current Conditions
Mostly Cloudy
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the W at 27 km/h
Pressure: 101.8 kPa (rising)
Humidity: 67%
Visibility: 24 km
Observed at: 2:00 am EST
Mostly Cloudy
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the W at 27 km/h
Pressure: 101.8 kPa (rising)
Humidity: 67%
Visibility: 24 km
Observed at: 2:00 am EST
A few flurries
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
Clear early this evening then partly cloudy with a few flurries beginning this evening. Local amount 2 cm. Wind northwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. Low minus 10. Wind chill minus 12 this evening and minus 19 overnight.
A mix of sun and cloud
Wind Chill:
A mix of sun and cloud. Wind west 20 km/h gusting to 40. High minus 5. Wind chill minus 18 in the morning and minus 12 in the afternoon. UV index 2 or low.
Cloud increasing
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
A few clouds. Increasing cloudiness after midnight. Wind southwest 20 km/h. Low minus 7. Wind chill near minus 14.