Current Conditions
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the SE at 8 km/h
Pressure: 101.4 kPa
Humidity: 75%
Visibility: 16 km
Observed at: 1:00 am CST
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the SE at 8 km/h
Pressure: 101.4 kPa
Humidity: 75%
Visibility: 16 km
Observed at: 1:00 am CST
Chance of flurries
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
Mainly cloudy with 30 percent chance of flurries. Risk of freezing drizzle over southern sections before morning. Fog patches developing late this evening. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 8. Wind chill minus 6 this evening and minus 13 overnight.
Periods of snow
Wind Chill:
Cloudy. 30 percent chance of flurries early in the morning. Periods of snow beginning in the morning. Risk of freezing drizzle over southern sections early in the morning. Fog patches dissipating early in the morning. Amount 2 to 4 cm. Wind up to 15 km/h. High minus 4. Wind chill minus 13 in the morning and minus 6 in the afternoon.
Partly cloudy
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
Clearing late in the evening. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 9. Wind chill minus 6 in the evening and minus 12 overnight.