North Perth, Ontario Weather

Current Conditions


Wind Chill:

Wind: From the SSW at 10 km/h

Pressure: 102.7 kPa (falling)

Humidity: 86%

Observed at: 2:00 am EST


Chance of flurries

Overnight low:

Wind Chill:

Mainly cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries this evening. Clearing overnight. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming light early this evening. Wind becoming southwest 20 overnight. Low minus 11. Wind chill minus 12 this evening and minus 19 overnight.


Chance of flurries


Wind Chill:

Increasing cloudiness. 30 percent chance of flurries in the afternoon. Wind southwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. High minus 5. Wind chill minus 19 in the morning and minus 12 in the afternoon. UV index 2 or low.

Saturday Night

Chance of flurries

Overnight low:

Wind Chill:

Cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries and risk of freezing drizzle. Wind southwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming light near midnight. Low minus 7. Wind chill near minus 13.