Current Conditions
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the N at 10 km/h
Pressure: 102.8 kPa (rising)
Humidity: 57%
Observed at: 11:00 am EST
Wind Chill:
Wind: From the N at 10 km/h
Pressure: 102.8 kPa (rising)
Humidity: 57%
Observed at: 11:00 am EST
Mainly sunny
Wind Chill:
Mainly sunny. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40. High minus 6. Wind chill near minus 15. UV index 1 or low.
Overnight low:
Wind Chill:
Clear. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 16. Wind chill minus 15 this evening and minus 22 overnight.